Laav_ 18 Meetings. Museums and University. Investigate in a hybrid space.

We published the rapporteurships and reflections that emerged from the last Laav_18 Meetings, in which we deal with a common Museum-University space for research and creation.

Relatorías. Elena Sánchez Nagore, Coral Bullón, Zoe Hernández and Pablo Coca.
Meetings Laav_2018. Museums and University: research on a hybrid space. Lorenzo Bordonaro.
The submerged part of the iceberg. Audiovisual Education between the museum and the university. Javier Fernández Vázquez.
Practicing  experimentation linked to audiovisual anthropology. 
Sara Sama Acedo.


Laav_ in Concreta 12, “Cinema to come”

The new issue of Concreta, the research journal about image, dedicated to the project Cine por venir (“Cinema to come”), includes an article about Laav_: An experience of creation and social research in the educational department of a contemporary art museum. An image of the latest production of La Rara troupe, La humana perfecta, illustrates the cover. The presentation of the journal takes place on Thursday November 29 at the Filmoteca of Valencia, with Pere Portabella, Nuria Enguita Mayo (Concreta), Sonia Martínez (Cine por venir) and Sofía Asencio (Sociedad Doctor Alonso).

Laav in Sociología Ordinaria (Ordinary Sociology) Meetings

On Tuesday 8 May, we participate in Encuentros Sociología Ordinaria (Medialab-Prado, Madrid) with “Comunidades, audiovisual e investigación experimental; una experiencia de antropología y arte” (Communities, audiovisual and experimental research; an anthropological experience and art”. The slogan of the meetings this year is “We do it and we shall see”, an emotional tribute to the essence of Sociología Ordinaria, with the objective of breaking the academic walls, including other voices and experiences.

Notes about, for and with LAAV_. Miguel Ángel Baixauli

First of all LAAV_ is an experimental project, an empirical and procedural laboratory. Each part of its processes is approached as an experiment of creation, a learning experiment and as a research experiment. It always tests different paths to collectively learn, to stimulate co-learning, which construct collaborative experiences of research and collective creation. This text is also an experiment, a textual laboratory. It does not aim to explain the work of LAAV_, but rather to dialogue with it to collectively develop a theoretical experimentation. (Seguir leyendo)

Creation / Research/ Groups. About the meetings Laav_17

We collect several reflections from the Laav_17 Meetings held last October as Creation / Research / Groups. Art as a critical practice with communities. Speakers María Acaso and Mafe Moscoso, and participants, Diego Pérez and Sara Potxemutxa, build a first-person-polyhedral story which takes us to the development of the meetings experience. Montse Romaní, who could not attend the meetings due to health issues, contextualizes two examples of collaborative cinema that we programmed.