
(Español) El Bayo del Barrio. Diego López y José Carlos Álvarez


Etnografía audiovisual experimental, ubicada en el espacio tanto físico como simbólico donde se desarrolla la práctica boxística como microcosmos desde el que observar el barrio, una brecha que permite escuchar el diálogo(s) entre el gimnasio y las problemáticas que atraviesan los cuerpos de los agentes sociales en juego. Brecha que surge desde la cotidianeidad, facilitada por los tempos a los que invita la etnografía haciendo uso de la observación participante, conversaciones en movimiento, registro audiovisual, fotografías de archivo, historias de vida, etc.


(Español) La apertura a lo que sucede o la posibilidad de contarnos cosas pequeñas y simples. Mafe Moscoso y Chus Domínguez.

Extracted from the letters sent from researcher Mafe Moscoso and filmmaker Chus Dominguez on the project Hostal España between September of 2019 and May 2020.

“I find that the idea of giving yourself materialy, sensory and aesthetically to the world is a mandatory condition of any research, but I would add the political as well. This would mean to give yourself materialy, sensorly, aesthetically and politically to the world, which takes me to what a write about on my previous letter: the approach, the relationships with which we weave relationships with,  whose purpose is to produce ethnographic knowledge. Are we not talking about choosing a part of the universe to place an ethnographic gaze on it with care and tenderness? ”

This text is part of our series on the impossibility of anthropological cinema.


(Español) Rodando el límite. Autogestión y disparate (2019-2020)


Rodando el límite. Autogestión y disparate es el título del proyecto desarrollado por La rara troupe en la temporada 2019-2020, en el que se  convoca a un grupo de personas con intereses combinados tanto en el audiovisual como herramienta (de expresión, creación e investigación) como en el malestar psico-social. El propósito es hacerlo extensible a colectivos y personas que se sitúan en “los márgenes” de lo que se entiende por normalidad, tanto en lo referido a cuestiones de salud mental como a cuestiones físicas, laborales o sociales en sentido amplio.

El proyecto se propone indagar en unas metodologías inversas, donde es La rara troupe la que propone y realiza la mediación con otras personas, afectadas o interesadas en cuestiones de salud mental.

El proceso de trabajo incluye dos talleres alrededor de la imagen y el sonido y la palabra y la realización de una serie de ejercicios audiovisuales, tanto individuales como colectivos, que servirán de preámbulo para el desarrollo de una película colectiva.

Ejercicio 10.2

El proyecto ha recibido el apoyo de la Convocatoria Art for change de La Caixa.


2020. Elena López Riera

We continue with our route through the edges and contradictions of anthropological cinema. Now, it is curator and filmmaker Elena López Riera who proposes a spell through the echo of an old voice from the old ages to our hallucinated present. A text in which its core is placed the idea of the other, while being problematised. “Like it is still possible to define the boundaries between one identity and the other, like it is still possible to think ourselves as isolated individuals and not like polluted and polluting particles that impose their gaze, their condition, their tongues and fluids to any living being they establish a relationship with. Like we had forgotten that the other is not an absolute category but a category relative to our own subjectivity. “


Five Tours, One Point of View. MUSAC Collection

Four projects developed by LAAV_ are taking part of the exhibition Five Tours, One Point of View. MUSAC exhibition that will open its doors on January Saturday the 25th in MUSAC. In this exhibition, created on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of MUSAC, LAAV_ is located within the section  Relational Dynamics. Context and situated action, curated by Manuel Olveira. Four timelines will be arranged to show the creative processes behind of which the projects La rara troupe, Teleclub, Damn Mine (Puta Mina) and Libertad have been realized. This is a space thought to stimulate dialogue, which will be activated with different actions throughout the time of the exhibition (until September the 20th 2020).


Hostal España

Hostal España is a experimental project which intends to work with a community of elderly people, who live in a downtown hostel in the city of Leon. It proposes to create a group of people which considers, through audiovisual format and from their daily life, about basic topics that affect the old age: social environment, health, participation, autonomy, vulnerability, specific limitations in the rural environment, etc.

As Sharon R. Kaufman, professor of medical anthropology, has written: “For only by first knowing how the elderly view themselves, their lives, and the nature of old age can we hope to fashion a meaningful present and future for them and for those who follow”