PUTA MINE (2018) 59 min.

Direction, writing: Laura Alonso, Raquel Balbuena, Chus Domínguez, Mari Fernández, Áurea González, Belén Sola, Cristina Turrado, Conchi Unanue, Mercedes Ordás.

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LIBERTAD (2019) 46 min.

Direction: Chus Domínguez junto a Julia Alonso, Sofía Álvarez, Miguel Aparicio, Guillermo Castillo, Mónica Centeno, Alejandro Díez, Diana Esteban, Alba Fernández, Enrique Gamazo, Sara González, Carmen Hernández, Tomás Iglesias, Ana Mazaira, Gloria Miguélez, Jessica Lamas, Lidia Ortega, Jorge Pérez, Lucía Pérez, Paula Pérez, Irene Rubio, María Salguero, Belén Sola and Alberto Taibo.

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THE PERFECT HUMAN (2018) 13 min.

Direction: La Rara Troupe, based on a film by Jørgen Leth.

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NOTES FOR A DESTRUCTIVE PSYCHIATRY. Collective exhibition (2017)

Photos by V15 proyectos expositivos.

Sala de Arte Joven de la Comunidad de Madrid. Curator: Alfredo Aracil.

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WHAT UNUSUAL DAYS (2016) 35 min.

Direction: La Rara Troupe.

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